Sometimes, webcams will flip or rotate your video in a way that makes it hard to understand what is on your screen. This guide will help you change the settings in Zoom to accommodate for these issues.

To flip your webcam, follow these instructions:

  1. Open the Zoom client and sign in to Zoom.
  2. Click your profile picture then click Settings.
  3. This will open the settings window, giving you access to the options below. Select General.
  4. Change the following setting: 
    • Enable mirror effect: Horizontally flip your video. This option is useful if your camera flips your video by default

To rotate your webcam in different directions before a meeting starts, follow these instructions:

  1. Click the Video tab.
  2. Hover over the preview of your camera. 
  3. Click Rotate 90° until your camera is rotated correctly.

To rotate your webcam in different directions after a meeting starts, follow these instructions:

  1. Click the arrow next to Stop Video.
  2. Choose Video Settings.
  3. Hover over the preview of your camera. 
  4. Click Rotate 90° until your camera is rotated correctly.