Editing a post on mobile is not yet possible. To edit a post after it has been posted or scheduled, you will need to access your post either through the web browser on your mobile device or through a web browser on a computer.

  1. From Home, locate post in the main feed.
  2. In top right of post click gear icon drop-down and select Edit.

  3. Make edits to your post and click Save on right side.

  4. Editing a post does not send a notification to users. Optional: Notify users about edits after saving. Click gear icon drop-down and select Send Update.

Note: If you edit a post the same day it was created, those people who haven't yet received an email (because they are on digest setting), will see the revised post instead of the original post.

Edit Scheduled & Draft Posts

Editing a post on mobile is not yet possible. To edit a post after it has been posted or scheduled, you will need to access your post either through the web browser on your mobile device or through a web browser on a computer.

Note: Options for viewing "Scheduled & Draft Posts" only apply if there ARE scheduled or draft posts to be viewed. If there are no scheduled or draft posts, none of these instructions apply.

Option 1:

  • From Home, click Scheduled & Draft Posts in left sidebar. Click name of post.
  • Edit post details and content as needed.

Option 2: 

  • From My Account (click your name at top right, then My Account).
  • Scroll to Activity feed, select Scheduled & Draft Posts. and click name of post.
  • Edit post details and content as needed.