ParentSquare allows you to post to your whole school, grade level, class or group from the iOS and Android App.
1. To create a post, tap plus sign, upper right on iOS (shown below on left), lower right on Android (shown below on right).
2. Select Post.
3. Fill in New Post fields: To, Who should see this?, Subject, and Write your message.
4. The To field is where you select who will receive post. This section allows you to select the whole school, class, grade or group.
5. Choose your recipients in Who should see this? drop-down. Note that checking "staff" will only send to staff within your selected building, class, or group. For example, if you are a coach and would like to ensure your team message is shared with your coaches, select "Staff" in addition to either students or parents.
6. Enter Subject and Write your message.
7. Take or share photos/videos from your phone. Tap paper clip icon.
8. Tap clock icon. Schedule Post for a future date or time or Post Now. Tap Done.
9. To Send instantly, tap three dots icon to choose from Post Options.
Add Translation if desired.
10. Tap Post in top right.
11. After you post a message, use additional features. Select post, tap three dots icon and select from drop-down. This option is available to the Principal, Admins and user that posted the message.