You can view email, text, and app notification delivery statistics for a post. This allows you to see which email or cell phone numbers are failing, along with who opened the post. 

  1. From Home, locate the post and click on the number of people notified "x Notified" at bottom of post.
  2. Or, from post detail page (in My Account), click on the number notified "x Notified" located in right sidebar. (Note: You must be the post author or admin in order to see delivery statistics.)
  3. The Detailed Message Delivery Statistics highlight how users were reached and by what method, email, text or app notification.
  4. Use sort and filter options for each column.
  5. If the post was sent to students, click Students to see the students' delivery stats.

Common Status Types

Definition of status types you may see when viewing delivery statistics: 

  • Delivered: The email or text was successfully delivered to recipient. 
  • Bounced: The email was not delivered. Likely, their email address needs to be updated. 
  • Opened: The user opened the email.
  • Clicked: The user clicked on at least one link inside the email.
  • Invalid: The phone number is incorrect. Likely, their phone number needs to be updated. 
  • Blocked: The user has blocked emails from ParentSquare. 
  • n/a: Either there is no address on file for this user or they have opted out of that notification method.