Before proceeding, determine if you are already signed in and syncing inside of Google Chrome.

  1. At the top right-hand corner of Google Chrome, click the profile icon.

  2. Look for either "Sync is on" or "Turn on sync"
    • If you see Sync is on, you are already signed in and syncing. No further action is required. (shown in the image below with a "checkmark")
    • If you see Turn on sync, you should continue with this guide (shown in the image below with an "X")
      No Further Action Required
      Action Required - Continue to the Next Step

  3. Click Turn on sync

  4. Sign in with your RaiderID

  5. Select one of the following options, as shown in the images below:
    If this screen appears, select Link Data
    If this screen appears, select Create

  6. Select Yes, I'm in, as shown in the image below: