In the event you are unable to see a student's screen in Securly Classrom who is actively in your class and using a district-issued Windows laptop or Chromebook, please have the student complete the following steps:

STEP 1 - Restart the student's computer

If the above step does not resolve the issue, proceed to the next step.

STEP 2 - Follow instructions on images below:


No Further Action Required

Action Required
Continue to the Next Step

STEP 3 - Select Turn on sync…, then login with your RaiderID if prompted

STEP 4 - Follow instructions on images below:

If this screen appears 
Select Link Data

If this screen appears 
Select Create

STEP 5 - 
Select Yes, I’m in, as shown
in the following image:



Check to see if there are additional profiles listed under the “Other People” section. If there are, move to step 3. If there are not, contact the Technology Department and do not move forward.


Delete all profiles, EXCEPT for the profile that matches the name highlighted in the green box on the left in step 2 (the name listed may be different from the name “Person 1” as shown on the left.)

Students who complete the above steps but still are unable to have their screens viewed by a teacher in Securly Classroom should have their teacher contact the Technology Department at